Rough Guide To Dcjs

dc.js is quite a nice library which allows you to filter of multiple graphs intuitively. Surprisingly it is not too difficult to develop on. If you have an understanding of .dimensions and .group(), you’re basically ready to go and start creating beautiful interactive dashboards. Below I have a simple example which I will quickly describe, particularly the parts of the library which I really like. Exploring the Code .dimension allows you to easily define how you would like the “cut” the data. [Read More]

Adding Tooltips To Vega Visualisations

Recently I have been looking at a visualisation grammar called Vega. The main reason is the simplicity with generating graphs for the web when you come from other non-web areas such as Python. But why Vega? The visualisation grammar is something which I believe is easily accessible for people who don’t have knowledge in HTML or JavaScript. D3 although a wonder and powerful library, is way too difficult to even do the simplest of actions, whilst many of the other libraries seem to connect to D3, removing parts of its abstractions. [Read More]

Pokemon Master

For April fools, Google released their Pokemon Challenge. As a challenge from a friend I decided to start a quick prototype of how you could clone this. The library of choice I used was leaflet. Goals: Create a map which spawns pokemon. When you click on a pokemon to “catch” it, it turns into a pokemon. More complex interactions like a Pokedex could then be easily added. Limitations: [Read More]