Reponsive D3 Venn Diagrams

Here is an outline of how I managed to use SVG elements ‘responsive’. I am be no means an expert by javascript, infact I would actually say I’m a copy and paste programmer when it comes to javascript. My trail of though on how you could make SVG elements reponsive is through jQuery. More specifically through $(window).resize. After defining a function which will draw the SVG element based on the browser size, then $(window). [Read More]

Get That Google Drive Static Webpage

My weekend project! Recently I’ve been on Codeacademy learning jQuery and javascript. So as an exercise I’ve made a simple website which tries to get the webpage from your googledrive account based on this blog post. The way it tries to get the website is using regex on your google drive URL /\/(\w{13,})\//. No error checking was done to ensure that a valid URL was placed in any of the fields. [Read More]

Jquery Table Of Contents

Based on Janko’s jQuery table of contents. Repository: github repository, using Skeleton as a basis for responsive web design. Click here to view it in action. _update: _ I’ve moved and refactored my code here this post will be kept for legacy, though the code is more or less the same as before (23 February 2013) ##Goals Create something which was independent of css (in the sense that you have to manually add addition css code in the html file) Create something which would fit with responsive web design Although I can see many portions which can still be improved, this is my edited version of Janko’s jQuery ToC. [Read More]