elm is an interesting language which compiles to javascript. It has many advance features (which I am definitely not across). I was trying to integrate elm into Cordova, so here are some of my notes on how to pull together an example webpage.

Running an example

Consider the simple markdown example:

import Markdown

main = Markdown.toElement """

# Welcome to Elm

This [markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/)
parser lives in the [elm-markdown][] package, allowing you to
generate `Element` and `Html` blocks.

[elm-markdown]: http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/evancz/elm-markdown/latest


If you simply save a file called “markdown.elm”, then you’re (almost) done. A few things which we have to consider is what happens when you try to make an html file.

elm-make markdown.elm

It will complain that some of the dependencies are missing. After some search you’ll realise that in order to add the dependencies we will have to add it to elm-package.json file which will be created.

"evancz/elm-markdown": "1.0.0 <= v < 4.0.0"

If we try to run elm-make again it will tell you to install using elm-package install. Doing this will install the require package.

Finally if we run elm-make we will produce a single file elm.js.

We can create a simple html document which uses this file in the following manner:

<script src="elm.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">Elm.fullscreen(Elm.Main)</script>

And then you’re done! You have a working elm project.

Alternatively you could directly create html output by using

elm-make markdown.elm --output markdown.html

Enjoy playing around with elm!