I’ve now started my Masters of Computer Science with Georgia Tech (commonly shortened to OMSCS, being an online degree). I thought that it might be worthwhile to share some of my opening thoughts to the program. This is more for my benefit as I think it would be useful to gauge how my thoughts change over time the further into the program I get.

1. The program is hard

The warning signs were there. You only have to go as far as the “Unofficial Course Guide” to see people’s thoughts on some of the courses. I picked up one of the harder courses offered (Machine Learning - CS 7641) and one of the easier courses (Computer Networks - CS 6250) and the differences are obvious.

Now only two weeks in into the course, I’ve found myself going through the ML lectures at least twice, whilst flying through Computer Networks, despite not really fulfilling the prerequisite. It could become harder as the semester goes I’ll just have to wait.

2. The Forums are lively

This was one of the surprises that I had in signing up. It is very busy everywhere. Perhaps unsurprising due to it naming itself as the first MOOC degree, but the forums have definitely made it feel more like a classroom. In addition the tailor made content, e.g. office hours and replies in the forums are probably the closest you’ll get in a university environment anyway - I say this with a caveat; that since I would have pursued an equivalent degree whilst working fulltime I think my time on university campus would have been reduced anyway.

3. Self-learning is the focus

There is no one there to force you to work. You merely have material which you have to manage to get through yourself. Of course there is the actual in-class portion that you can line yourself with, but with all the lectures available allows for the flexibility; if you need it.

4. You won’t have time for other things

It really has been a stretch to fit other things in. As the year is only now really starting to kick off with people coming back from the holidays, I can see that this could indeed begin to be a problem. I will give up football to pursue my studies, and force myself to do more fitness in my spare time.

With this in mind, I think its time to share my own goals I have for myself:

  1. Complete 4 OMSCS courses this year
  2. Complete 2 MOOC courses outside of Georgia Tech

Perhaps ambitious, but where would we be without being held accountable to ourselves?