k-means clustering is a popular cluster analysis method. When using it the question might arise like, does the algorithm always converge? Does it converge to the global minima (it doesn’t, but it does converge to the local minima). Here, I will take a brief look only at the convergence of k-means.

Suppose a single cluster \(C\) is assigned representative \(z\). The cost is then

$$ cost(C; z) = \sum_{x \in C} ||x-z||^2$$


$$ cost(C_1, … , C_k; z_1, … , z_k ) = \sum_{j=1}^k \sum_{x \in C_j} || x - z_j ||^2 $$

for the k-means algorithm

Bias-Variance Decomposition (for random variables…)

Let \(X \in R^d\) be any random variable. For any \(z \in R^d\),

$$ E(||X-z||^2) = E(||X- E(X)||^2) + ||z - E(X)||^2 $$


$$\begin{aligned} E(||X- E(X)||^2) + ||z - E(X)||^2 & = E(||X||^2 + ||E(X)||^2 - 2X E(X)) + (||z||^2 + ||E(X)||^2 - 2 z E(X)) \\\\
& = E(||X||^2) + ||E(X)||^2 - 2 E(X) \times E(X) + ||z||^2 + ||E(X)||^2 - 2z \times E(X) \\\\
& = E(||X||^2) + ||z||^2 - 2z E(X) \\\\
& = E(||X-z||^2)

We can rearrange the above and using the definition of \(cost(C; z)\) which we defined above:

$$ E(||X-z||^2) = \sum_{x \in C} \frac{1}{|C|} ||x-z||^2 = \frac{1}{|C|} cost(C; z)$$


$$ E(||X- E(X)||^2) + ||z - E(X)||^2 = \frac{1}{|C|} cost(C; mean( C )) $$

Hence we can conclude that

$$ cost(C; z) = cost(C; mean( C )) + |C| \times || z - mean( C ) ||^2 $$


To demonstrate convergence for the k-means algorithm, we must show that the cost monotonically decreases.

Let \(z_{1}^{(t)}, … , z_{k}^{(t)}, C_1^{(t)}, … , C_k^{(t)} \) denote the centers and clusters at the start of the \(t\) iteration of k-means. Since the first part of the iteration assigns each data point to its closest centre, therefore

$$ cost(C_1^{(t+1)}, … , C_k^{(t+1)}; z_1^{(t)}, …, z_k^{(t)}) \le cost(C_1^{(t)}, … , C_k^{(t)}; z_1^{(t)}, …, z_k^{(t)})$$

Then using the result above, on the next step each cluster is re-centred around its own mean. So

$$ cost(C_1^{(t+1)}, … , C_k^{(t+1)}; z_1^{(t+1)}, …, z_k^{(t+1)}) \le cost(C_1^{(t+1)}, … , C_k^{(t+1)}; z_1^{(t)}, …, z_k^{(t)})$$