Lately I feel as though I have been stuck in a creative rut. Perhaps it is a winter thing, where it doesn’t feel like there is any energy to do something exciting. I tried picking up various game frameworks to give a hand at making a simple game. Above is my version of breakout written in Lua using the LOVE framework.
It has provided me with simple abstraction to create a simple game. I tried my hand with Pygame, and had a quick look at cocos2d. Ultimately I chose LOVE for its simplicity and opportunity to experience a new programming language.
Hopefully in the future I can keep building small simple games. The most advance game I think I could possibly build is something similar to advance wars, but I’m a long way from that.
I think the next steps for game development would be (in no particular order):
- Pac-Man or Mazing Contest: for learning about simple AI
- Concentration: to learn about mouse interactions
- Tetris : Understand puzzle game, and hopefully start introducing graphical assets into the game.
- A simple side scrolling platform game.
For my notes on how I constructed the game see refresh-love.