With the increase in the popularity of MOOCs why not try to build your own degree! The easiest way is to consider some guidelines while copying a sample course outline in university.

Course distribution guidelines (for bachelor degree):

  • 2/3 of time dedicated to your major
  • 1/3 of time dedicated to general education (subjects not belonging to your school)
  • 500 hours of study per semester (full-time) or 250 hours (part-time), or 3000 hours per degree
    • This is roughly 4 courses with 10-15 hours of work / week

The best way (with course information) would be to make use of MIT Open Courseware curriculum.

Gleaning the computer science requirements from MIT and many other universities, the degree is generally structured as:


  • Programming (flow and logic control)
  • Programming (object orientated)
  • Computer Systems
  • Computation Structures
  • Software Engineering
  • Algorithms
  • Artificial Intelligence


  • Calculus
  • Statistics
  • Linear Algebra
  • Differential Equations


  • various

As of today, the courses which I need to do to complete a computer science “minor” are software engineering and computer system courses. Both of these would be solved when I take MIT’s XSeries courses for

  • Software Construction
  • Computation Structures