Notes on the MOOC “Enhance your career and Employability skills” Week 2

TeamworkRespecting others, co-operating, negotiating, persuading, contributing to discussions, your awareness of interdependence with others2I work in a rather solo field, the communication overhead is really where teamwork comes into play; am I doing something which someone else has done before? Having regular catchups is difficult since technical people find it a waste of time (me included) though it has the potential of saving yourself time! Negotiating and co-operating are two areas which are difficult due to inate pride which many programmers suffer (which Larry Wall argues is a good thing!)
CommunicationYour application of literacy, ability to produce clear, structured written work and oral literacy, including listening and questioning skills 4I am confident in my presentation skills, especially my ability to communicate complex modelling problems to non-technical people. It is vitally important to do so, because it will enable that you get the recognition you deserve and at the same time improve stakeholder satisfaction.
OrganisationHaving the skills, strategies and qualities needed in order to be able to organise your time, deadlines and productivity 4Very rarely will I lack time to complete a task; this simply comes from informing stakeholders and management early when impediments come along, so that we can suitable adjust to this. Setting up realistic expectations is also a vital part of being well organised.
Problem SolvingAnalysing facts and circumstances to determine the cause of a problem and identifying and selecting appropriate solutions 5Problem solving is definitely my strong suit. I am able to approach problems with variety of tools and methods. I would often come up with a variety of solutions and approaches, and select the best one due to efficiency or flexibility. My decision making is often my strong point to avoid any unexpected events in the future.
LeadershipEstablishing a clear vision, sharing that vision with others so that they will follow willingly, providing the information, knowledge and methods to realise that vision, and co-ordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members and stakeholders. 3Chairing meetings, and sharing knowledge is vitally important especially when dealing with non-technical people. This is an area which I have invested heavily within the last two years, but I must continue to do so if I am to become a stronger analyst