Notes on the MOOC “Enhance your career and Employability skills” Week 1

Integrity. “Form follows function” - results driven, challenging work. Flexibility with respect to tooling (flexibility/innovation over process). Data driven decisions. The customer is not always right; sometimes they don’t know what they’re looking for. Mass collaboration over individual work. Automate relentlessly. Sense of purpose and results.


  • Positive Emotions: curiosity, hope, gratitude, joy, enthusiasm, pride, generosity
  • Negative Emotions: worry, dread, anger, sorrow, frustration, envy, selfishness


  • New Job
  • Productivity


  • Change in management
  • Lack of acknowledgement/recognition
  • Opinion and expertise is ignored

Test and Learn

“You don’t know what you don’t know”

Crafting Experiments

Currently I have the opportunity to place myself for nomination for the executive team for a local toastmasters club; I really should just see what it is like to be part of a committee.

Try doing tasks using different tools. Try generalising approaches.


Shifting Experiences

See how I could get a taste for leadership roles. Is it for me?

Making Sense

to be revisited

Value Grid

ValueDescription Free ChoiceHalfTop three
Using your abilitiesNot feeling like you could do the job with one hand tied behind your back. Stretching yourself. Using your skills.Y
AccomplishmentFeeling that you achieve something. You have clear goals. You can see a result for your efforts.YY
Being busyNot having stretches of time when you have nothing to do. You have a buzz of activity.Y
Being responsibleTaking charge of your own work and the work of others. Being accountable.YY
Variety of taskEvery day is not the same because you do different things.Y
Variety of environmentEvery day is not the same because you are in different places.
Variety of contactEvery day is not the same because you are interacting with different people.
AdventureYou regularly take risks and have feelings of exhilaration or danger.Y
FunYou are able to be light-hearted. You don’t have to be serious all the time.Y
Prestige environmentThe place where you work is held in high regard as a major player in the field.YY
AdvancementThere are opportunities to be promoted to higher positions.YY
MoneyYou earn or have the potential to earn a larger than average salary. You have perks, such as a company car, etc.
DevelopmentThere are opportunities to enhance, expand or develop your role and learn new things.Y
RecognitionWhen you perform well, your efforts are acknowledged or rewarded by praise, promotion or money.YY
AuthorityYou get to tell people what to do. You give direction to others.Y
Social statusYou feel proud when you tell people what you do for a living. People think your job is interesting or glamorous
ColleaguesThe people you work with are easy to get on with or interesting. There are opportunities for socialising with colleagues.
Helping individualsYou are involved in providing aid and assistance to people directly.
Helping societyYou are doing something which contributes beneficially to society.
CaringYou are involved in showing support, empathy and love to others.
NurturingYou are involved in helping other people to develop.
JustifiableWhat you are doing fits in with your moral value system.
FairnessYou and other workers are treated fairly by your employer. You have good conditions of employment.
SpiritualityYour work allows you to express or explore your faith.
ManagementYou have a good working relationship with your boss. Your manager\'s way of working fits in well with your own.
TrainingStructured opportunities for learning are provided and supported.
CreativityYou get to generate new ideas or solutions to problems. You get to innovate and be original.YYY
Decision makingYou get to make some of the choices that affect your work.Y
AutonomyYou have some freedom to do things when you want and how you want.Y
Being expertYou have the opportunity to gain and use an in-depth knowledge of a subject. You are sought for advice in this area.YYY
CompetitionYou get the opportunity to test your abilities against others.YYY
SubjectYour work is enjoyable because you have a strong interest in the subject matter you are dealing with.
AestheticsYou deal with ideas or things that are beautiful and require appreciation.
QualityYou work in situations in which precision and attention to detail are important, or where there is little room for error.
SecurityYou have security of employment. It is not likely that you will lose your job or have to find another job regularly.
Stress-freeYou do not have to work under high levels of stress. The pressure of work is not too high and there is little conflict.
HealthYour work positively contributes to your physical and psychological wellbeing.
StabilityWork routines and duties are largely predictable and not likely to be subject to sudden or unforeseen changes.
HoursYou do not work more than average or irregular hours. Your job does not impinge on your family or social life. The patterns of work suit your lifestyle.Y
ResourcesYou have the materials, equipment and money you need to do the job. You are not expected to produce great results without the right tools.
WorkspaceThe place where you work is comfortable and suited to your working style and personal preferences.
SupportiveThe organisation you work for is open and tolerant. Your views are sought and respected during decision making.Y
CooperationYour work requires operating as part of a team and interacting with others to achieve a goal.Y