Here are some notes based on a toastmasters session (May 2014) with Ben Reeve from Inform, there notes are just for my own sake, and maybe helpful for any readers.

The most important thing when using this framework is to consider what is your behaviour. And then, think about the behavious of others. As you will notice, I belong to the “Dominance” category.

In a nutshell, you could describe any person using two attributes:

  • Pace (fast or slow)
  • Priority (task or relationship)

This would determine whether they are:

Fast Dominance Influence
Slow Conscientiousness Steadiness

What do we do with these people? How can we communicate with them better?



  • Loud
  • Scary
  • Aggressive
  • Confident
  • Impatient


  • Short and sharp, bullet points, headlines only
  • Provide them limited choices

##What do they like best?

  • Control
  • To win
  • Results

##What are potential problems?

  • Getting them to listen
  • They can be too critical (don’t take it personally!)
  • Fail to understand the people impact

##How would you adjust your style?

  • Let them own the space
  • Just give them what they want



  • Animated
  • Well groomed
  • Fun
  • Busy
  • Showperson
  • On the move
  • Everything is a display


  • Group activities!
  • What is your opinion?
  • Gimmicks

##What do they like best?

  • Being popular
  • Being part of things (they are very social)

What are potential problems?

  • Getting them to listen
  • Getting them to follow through or commit
  • Getting more detail

##How would you adjust your style?

  • Pay attention to them
  • Compliments (they are a showperson after all!)



  • Blend in
  • Passive
  • Reserve
  • Shy
  • Timid
  • Collaborative


  • Collaboration
  • Positive
  • Inclusive
  • Context (they generally like “past, present, future”)
  • Take them on a journey

What do they like best?

  • Predictability
  • Harmony

What are potential problems?

  • Getting a response/urgency
  • Getting them to address the “real” issue (since they are focused on harmony)

##How would you adjust your style?

  • Tone
  • Slower pace
  • Avoid placing them in the spotlight
  • Positive spin on objectives
  • Let them be happy in their own bubble
  • Show that they have made a contribution
  • Provide assurance



  • Blend in
  • Measured
  • Compliant
  • Detailed
  • Structured
  • Orderly


  • Facts and figures
  • Structured
  • Detail
  • Put it on paper

What do they like best?

  • Detail
  • Process
  • Accuracy

What are potential problems?

  • Time-frames
  • Forgetting about the outcome
  • Too caught up in detail
  • Not giving it a go

How can you adjust your style?

  • Patient
  • On time
  • Structured
  • Formal
  • Ordered