For April fools, Google released their Pokemon Challenge. As a challenge from a friend I decided to start a quick prototype of how you could clone this. The library of choice I used was leaflet.


  • Create a map which spawns pokemon.
  • When you click on a pokemon to “catch” it, it turns into a pokemon.

More complex interactions like a Pokedex could then be easily added.


  • Pokemon can be randomly spawned quite easily, but you would need some API to determine whether it is a “valid” location (i.e. on a road, in a pond, in a park), since you wouldn’t want to spawn pokemon in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.


To get it working using leaflet the idea is this:

  1. Create a new leaflet layer.
  2. Generate pokemon with the correct markers and add it to the leaflet layer.
  3. Add interactivity, clicking on the pokemon will change them to a pokeball.
  4. Hide the leaflet layer if the player zooms out too far, show leaflet layer when the player zooms in

To achieve all of this, the code is as follows:

/*1. Create a new leaflet layer*/
var pokemonLayer = new L.LayerGroup();
/*2. Generate pokemon with correct markers*/
pika1 = L.marker([-33.934844, 151.231324], {icon: pikachu})
pika2 = L.marker([-33.954844, 151.234324], {icon: pikachu})
pika3 = L.marker([-33.934844, 151.2523241], {icon: pikachu})

/*add the pokemon to the layer above*/

We assume that we have some location for the icons and the coordinates are known (some how generated based on API rules). Ideally, if this was done on a full scale, it would obviously be looped.

/*3. add the interactivity*/
pika1.on('click', function(changeIcon) {;
pika2.on('click', function(changeIcon) {;
pika3.on('click', function(changeIcon) {;

Again, this code would be looped if it was for many pokemon.

/*4. add the zoom functionality*/
map.on('zoomend', displayPokemon);
map.on('zoomstart', displayPokemon);
function displayPokemon(){
    else {

Here based on the map, and when we zoom in and out, we would hide or show the pokemon layer as needed.

The result is below: