Recently, I’ve been exploring outside other programming languages and ideas, in particular open source data analytics and d3.

This space has really broaden my mind with what can be achieved outside the boundaries of SAS in data mining, especially with zero-installation modules and applications.

Python has been my main weapon, making use of modules such as

  • pyodbc
  • pyper
  • networkx

has really allowed me to be able to extract (pyodbc), and perform analysis (pyper/R) and visualize data effectively (networkx).

D3.js has definitely allowed me to appreciate beautiful visualizations and even present them in a portable fashion!

Where to go from here?

The idea is always aim to be scaleable, producing software and solutions which can easily be expanded. Hosting local webservers and creating integration with forms and SAS is something which I’m looking into at the moment. I have working prototypes done using Python+CGI.

However I’m interested in integrating SQLite, and webframework, either Django or (both in python of course), both suitable choices for the scale and size I have. In addition CodernityDB python module certaining does look interesting for the future of NoSQL…

Much to learn into the future!